Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Or should I say Just A Normal Wednesday In The Dominican Republic. Lame. I wore green to school today and was literally the only one. Bummer. I said happy St. Patrick's Day to the kids and they responded with things like, "Wow, is it St. Patrick's Day?" Clearly they have never visited Michigan State University. I was missing my East Lansing friends today. I remember walking to my car last year at 6:45 a.m. to teach and the bars had lines down the block. Those people knew what St. Patrick's Day was.

Anyway, rant aside things are going well here. We are trying to figure things out for next year which is a pretty slow process, and kind of stressful. The focus at the moment is here, Mexico, Ecuador or Brazil, in order of probability. What do you guys think?


  1. Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, DR in that order is my vote (based on the places I'd most like to visit). No offense to your current living/working situation. Is there a reason Michigan didn't make the list? :-) I know how much you love winter.

  2. Anywhere that isn't MSU! Although im sad you didnt get to celebrate St. Patty's Day! Just to let you know... i probably partied enough for you and JP!
